Warren: We Don’t Have Numbers in House or Senate — ‘The Only Thing We’ve Got Is Your Voices’

Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” host Joy Reid aired part of her interview with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).

Warren urged everyone to get out and vote in 2018, adding that for now, all the Democrats have is their voices.

“We don’t have the numbers,” Warren told Reid. “We don’t have the numbers in the United States Senate. We don’t have the numbers in the House of Representatives. And we’ve got a lot that can happen between now and November of [2018]. And look, I want everybody jazzed and ready to go and totally engaged and everybody voting in ’18, but we’ve got to fight these fights right now and the only thing we’ve got, the only thing we’ve got is your voices to help back us up on this. That’s all we’ve got.”

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