Brian Fallon: Trump ‘Likes to Pick on People of Color and Set Them Up as Foils’


Monday night on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” while discussing Trump’s tweets criticizing London Mayor Sadiq Khan, CNN contributor Brian Fallon, former press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, said President Donald Trump liked “to pick on people of color” and to “set them up as foils.”

Fallon said, “I actually think there is some malicious intent here. It’s not just showing a lack of fundamental human decency, it’s not a failure to show solidarity with a key United States ally, there’s also a troubling pattern here. The president likes to pick on people of color and set them up as foils. If you think of the people he sets out and embarks on Twitter wars with, you have Mayor Khan, you have Khizr Khan, you have Judge Curiel. He likes these foils that set up a narrative that caters to a certain element in his base that he likes to send dog whistle signals to. And that’s a very detestable aspect of what he does.”

(h/t Grabien)

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