***Horse Race LiveWire*** Clinton-Sanders Feud Escalates; Trump Goes All-In for NY Sweep

Alex Wong/Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty
Alex Wong/Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty

Welcome to Breitbart News’s live updates of the 2016 horse race.

All times eastern.

9:37: On Fox News, Dr. Ben Carson says Trump needs to “up” his ground game or he is going to lose the GOP nomination.

9:15: Sen. Orrin Hatch says there’s “potential” for Paul Ryan to be drafted at an open convention.

9:10: Geraldo Rivera, in response to Cruz’s “New York values” remarks, accuses Cruz of anti-Semitism.

8:33: New Yorkers receptive to Kasich:

8:29: O’Reilly’s suggestion to Cruz:

7:50: On CNN, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) says Cruz is a “fraud” and a “phony” and his only accomplishment in the Senate has been shutting the government down and reading Dr. Seuss. He says he would vote for Cruz in a Clinton-Cruz battle because he would vote for his party’s nominee. But he says that he could never vote for Cruz in a GOP primary. King says he is deciding between Trump and Kasich in the NY primary.

7:35: In an interview with CBS’s Charlie Rose, Sanders concedes that Clinton does have a good resumer and years of experience but says he has a pretty good record too and is qualified to be president.

7:07: Bernie Sanders’s national press secretary shaking her damn head at Bill Clinton’s remarks:

7:05: Cruz doesn’t regret slamming “New York values.” He says he won’t apologize for attacking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. “Ain’t gonna happen,” he says.

6:12: Sanders walking the streets of New York:

6:09: Cruz fundraiser may have broken election law:


A fundraiser for Ted Cruz may have broken election law by suggesting that supporters at an official event give unlimited donations to an allied super PAC, a recording obtained by POLITICO shows.

“If you hit your max then we have a table for you that is the unlimited table,” Keet Lewis, a bundler for the campaign and co-host of a Dec. 30 fundraiser in Dallas, says on the recording provided to POLITICO. “It can take corporate dollars, it can take partnership dollars, and that’s the super PAC, Stand for Truth, so pick up some of that information.”

Campaigns and their agents are not allowed to solicit donations exceeding federal limits. The Federal Election Commission has said officials can direct donors to super PACs but only personally solicit for up to $5,000. Lewis, however, is heard asking for unlimited and corporate dollars.


5:50: Cruz would “weep” if Trump and Clinton made it to the general election:


5:35: Cruz tours matzo bakery in New York:

4:41: Cruz campaign manager says Trump should drop out if he doesn’t get over 50% in New York’s primary.

4:38: Interesting points being made. Is Clinton sabotaging her wife’s campaign again?

4:25: White House backs Clinton’s qualifications:

“The president has said that Secretary Clinton comes into this race with more experience than any other non-vice president in recent campaign history,” White House spokesman Eric Schultz told reporters aboard Air Force One.

4:05: Sanders campaign 100% certain to contest convention if Clinton doesn’t clinch nomination before:

3:37: Kasich on New York values:

3:16: Tavis Smiley again calls Trump a “racial arsonist.” Smiley has ratcheted up his rhetoric against Trump after he published an op-ed in which he said black voters may be receptive to Trump’s candidacy. When asked if black voters could still support Trump in the general election, Smiley refused to say that black voters will not support Trump.

3:11: Giuliani voting for Trump in NY primary.

2:55: African-American Protesters Interrupt Bill Clinton’s speech. One Had “Hillary Is a Murderer” Sign:

Video: Clinton tellsBlack Lives Matter activists they are “defending the people who kill the lives you say matter. Tell the truth.”

2:45: Jonathan Karl, who is one of the go-to guys for establishment Republicans, wonders if Paul Ryan’s new video is the first ad of his 2016 campaign (Ryan, like Rubio, sounds like he’s reciting focus-grouped words pieced together)?

2:30: After reportedly threatening to quit if Trump’s staff continued to be amateur hour, Manafort will now manage all activities dealing with delegates:

2:27: Trump going all-in in New  York:

2:25: Sanders blasts the media, again says Clinton is not qualified to be president because she is raising money from Wall Street and vows to fight back when the Clinton campaign “smears” him:

“If Secretary Clinton thinks that just because I’m from a small state in Vermont and we’re gonna come here to New York and go to Pennsylvania and they’re gonna beat us up and they’re gonna go after us in some kind of really uncalled for way, that we’re not gonna fight back, well we got another — you know, they can guess again because that’s not the case,” Sanders said. “This campaign will fight back.”


2:17: Kasich Super PAC goes after Cruz on his “New York values” line:

2:13 After Sanders accused Clinton of not being qualified for the White House, Clinton sends out a Tweet quoting Sanders’s praise of her:

2:12: Michael Oren Accuses Sanders of “Blood Libel” and demands apology:

2:11: Bad national unfavorable numbers for Trump, who turned around his bad unfavorable numbers with Republicans when he started the race:

2:10: Around 400 people show up to see Bill Clinton:

2:05: Sanders releases new campaign ad:

2:00: Hillary struggles with Subway card:


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