Donald Trump: Must ‘Do a Good Job on Tuesday’ to Keep Movement Going


GOP frontrunner Donald Trump told his crowd of supporters packed into the Nicholas J. Pirro Convention Center in Syracuse, New York, on Saturday afternoon that the only way to stop his supporters and their movement is if he does not win the New York GOP primary on Tuesday.

“The only way you stop the movement is if we don’t do a good job on Tuesday,” Trump told his supporters. “We have to keep it going!”

“I’ll never be a politician,” Trump stated. “I’ve always told them, ‘Pretend you’re a little bit down,'” he said about the polls, stressing the need for people to get out and vote on Tuesday, even if he is high in the polls.

“These politicians are all bought and paid for,” the billionaire said. “I used to be the ultimate establishment person.”

“I gave massive campaign contributions to everybody,” he added, saying the delegate system is “all rigged.”

“Look at what happened in Wyoming and what’s happening there” and in Colorado, “where the people never got a chance to vote,” Trump said in support of his allegation. In Colorado and Wyoming, there is no state-wide primary or caucus where the voters decide how the delegates are allocated.

“I wasn’t going to send big teams of people three, four months ago. Have them out there. Again, I’m self-funding,” Trump said in explanation of why he does not have large teams of people in every state courting delegates.

“Despite all of that,” Trump said he believes he will win.


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