Time: Meet Jill Stein

AP Photo/John Minchillo

Time magazine’s Sam Frizell writes of Hillary Clinton’s progressive challenger, Green Party candidate Jill Stein, who is attracting disillusioned Bernie Sanders voters. Stein, Frizell explains, offers “unapologetic opposition that could be pivotal on Election Day.”

The Green Party candidate for president was riding a pickup truck outside the Democratic convention Monday when several of the supporters sitting behind her began chanting vulgar put downs of the Democratic presidential nominee.

“F–k Hillary! F–k Hillary!” the faithful yelled out of the truck. Stein’s spokeswoman and minder, thinking of the TIME reporter along for the ride, tried to hush the cussing. “Let’s do the ‘Jill, not Hill!’ chant instead,” she suggested politely.

But the chanters probably were closer to the spirit of Stein’s campaign the first time. Though she is a soft-spoken doctor-turned-activist, she is not running a sanitary campaign for president.

Instead Stein has fashioned herself as more of a dissident and soapbox champion than a politician. She calls Clinton a warmonger and Donald Trump a bigot, and won’t say which she believes to be worse. Last week she told a liberal blog that Bernie Sanders was taking his supporters into “the sh-thole” by endorsing Clinton. Her fight, and her army of button-wearers, microphone-wielders, are raging against the machine more than running for office. Her comfort zone is the liberal news circuit and the raucous public park rally, not the halls of political power.

Read the rest here.


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