The Hipster's Guide to Small Business

In response to Get Hip:

Great post, Iowahawk.  I think it would be great if some free market groups could reach out to small business owners and dreamers to offer training sessions on internet marketing and navigating local laws and regulations.  Whether it’s food trucks or the hipsters showing off their products on Food Channel’s Foodcrafters the entrepreneur spirit seems to cross political lines.  I’m sure some groups will look at the folks behind these businesses and think it’s not worth the effort… and that’s why we always lose.  Sure it could be a decade before the dread-locked Oregonian understands how the red tape and government regulations created by leftist bureaucrats hinder his organic nut butter business, but it’s worth it.  Even if conservatives don’t gain votes, at least they’re helping small businesses create jobs. 

This would be a great effort for a group like Americans for Prosperity.  They already have active chapters in liberal states like Washington, California and Oregon.


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