LTC Allen West (USA, Ret.)

Articles by LTC Allen West (USA, Ret.)

Allen West: EPA Engaging in Backdoor Gun Control

From Allen West: I am one who steers very clear of tinfoil hat conspiracy theories. I often believe progressives plant stories in order to distract and disrupt, enabling them to pursue their true goals and objectives. That’s why I stress

Allen West: EPA Engaging in Backdoor Gun Control

No Fast Track for Obama's Next Power Grab

President Obama is seeking power the Constitution has assigned to Congress. Soon, he will formally ask Congress to surrender its constitutional authority and grant him “Fast Track” Trade Promotion Authority. And House Republicans are inexplicably ready to give it to

No Fast Track for Obama's Next Power Grab

NAACP: 'Useful Idiots' of Liberal Racism

Let me make one thing very clear, my Mother, Elizabeth Thomas West, was a lifetime membership holder with the NAACP. Therefore growing up in our home I clearly understood the mission and vision for this organization. It was a mission

NAACP Is Not At All Serious: They've Missed the Real Issues

The NAACP has missed the target. Their target should not be the Tea Party, but instead the larger issues facing the Black community: astronomical unemployment rates (15.5%) and the breakdown of the Black family, which result in higher drop-out rates,