The American Promise-Our First Principles

In 1831, a French aristocrat, Alexis de Tocqueville’s recognized how different America’s infant democracy was from other democratic republics. He issued warnings to our young republic, “One also finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom”. De Tocqueville continued, “…when citizens are all almost equal, it becomes difficult for them to defend their independence against the aggressions of power”.


The agenda driven by President Obama, Speaker Pelosi, and Leader Reid is aggressively targeted toward our becoming an all powerful central government. Since the 2008 election we have seen unprecedented expansion of government. History has shown us that as government expands individual liberty contracts.

In January of 2010, during the waning days of my primary campaign for Illinois Governor, former Polish President Lech Walesa came to Chicago to endorsed my effort. Known as the great anti-communist, founder of Solidarity, best-friend of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II, Walesa continues to inspire and encourage strong leadership. During the luncheon, Walesa issued an ominous warning for America, “America is sliding toward socialism; America is no longer the shining city on the hill.” In the videotaped interview, Walesa saw a hint of socialism creeping into America’s domestic policies. He spoke of “the issue with the banks” and how “the government wastes all the money … building a bureaucracy — just for itself.”

Walesa said that the strongest candidates are committed to principles. The framers of our Constitution based out government on strong principles, sometimes referred to as the first principles. The “first principles” that will Ensure Liberty and the American Promise for future generations are:

  1. Smaller Government,
  2. Fiscal Responsibility,
  3. Lower Taxes,
  4. National Security,
  5. Federalism.


With these principles to guide us, we have created Ensuring Liberty, an organization of activists and citizens dedicated to strengthening the public’s appreciation of these ideas. Ensuring Liberty is working closely with a group of leaders currently serving in Congress to hear our voice and keep our First Principles. This group is chaired by Congressman Steve King.

In two weeks, congressional elections in Pennsylvania and Hawaii are drawing clearly delineated choices on “first principles”. Immediately, we have the opportunity to add two more “first principle” conservatives to the Congress. Electing these two candidates will eliminate two “sure votes” for the Obama/Pelosi machine. On a targeted and systemic basis, the unraveling of the National Democrat machine and it’s liberal agenda must continue- it’s our obligation.

President Obama and his Chicago operatives understand only one thing: raw power. Raw power is conferred at the ballot box. In Pennsylvania, Tim Burns is poised to take back Jack Murtha’s seat, and in Hawaii Charles Djou can win back the congressional seat of Barack Obama’s boyhood home.

Tim Burns can win the 12th congressional district in Pennsylvania. His life experiences growing up within the district as well as being a father, entrepreneur, successful businessman and community leader, make him uniquely qualified to serve as our next Congressman. Tim’s business grew to over 400 employees before he sold it in 2003. His commitment to conservative values, smaller government, lower taxes, ending wasteful spending and restoring an ethical standard in public service are political philosophies that stand in stark contrast to the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda.

Charles Djou was an elected state representative where he was the Minority Floor Leader. He is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, graduating magna cum laude with distinction. He is also an officer in the U.S. Army Reserve; practices as an attorney specializing in business law; and, teaches at the University of Hawaii’s William S. Richardson School of Law. To quote Mr. Djou, “I will never forget that every dollar the government spends comes from a family like yours.”

The American Promise and our nation’s liberty is dependent on electing “first principles” candidates. Electing these two candidates will eliminate two “sure votes” for the Obama/Pelosi machine. On a targeted and systemic basis, the unraveling of the National Democrat machine and it’s liberal agenda must continue- it’s our obligation.


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