Jordan's Revenge: Back to 'Plan A' – Cut, Cap, Balance

In July, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), chair of the Republican Study Committee, was made to apologize to party leaders for opposing the debt ceiling deal that created the now-failed super committee.

Photo credit: UPI/Kevin Dietsch

Now that events have proved his opposition to have been well-founded, Rep. Jordan is reminding the public that House Republicans have already passed the Cut, Cap, and Balance plan, along with many other bills proposed and/or passed to balance the budget and generate economic growth at the same time:

Jordan Responds to the Super Committee’s Lack of Agreement

Washington, DC – Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan offered the following statement after the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction failed to come to agreement, triggering $1.2 trillion of automatic spending cuts over a ten year period beginning in 2013:

“Throughout the year, the Republican Study Committee has offered solutions to address the debt crisis, including the Cut, Cap and Balance plan that passed the House with bipartisan support. But instead of a solution, Washington wanted a deal, and thus the Super Committee was created.”

“I want to thank our Republican leadership for holding the line on taxes. Higher taxes do not create jobs – they only serve to feed Washington’s insatiable appetite to spend.”

“I also want to thank Co-Chairman Jeb Hensarling for his leadership in trying to find bipartisan solutions to stop the out-of-control spending in a town that has only balanced its budget five times in the past 50 years. Unfortunately, this exercise has further proven that the liberal appetite for bigger government and higher taxes outweighs everything else.”

“Though President Obama acknowledged that entitlement programs are some of the biggest drivers of our debt, he has failed to show any leadership in trying to save them. Predictably, the tax-and-spend Democrats on the Joint Select Committee fell in line right behind him. Their failure of leadership could doom these important safety net programs.”

“Moving forward, there are clear and responsible ways to solve our debt and economic problems without raising taxes. I encourage Congressional leaders to advance the Republican Study Committee’s concrete solutions to create jobs, reduce spending, and balance the budget.”

Solutions from the Republican Study Committee

H.R. 408, the Spending Reduction Act, identifies over 100 unnecessary programs, provides a head start towards balancing the budget, and saves taxpayers trillions of dollars over the next decade.

The RSC Budget for FY 2012 balances the federal budget in less than ten years and institutes reforms that will protect seniors and help save Americans’ health care safety net.

H.R. 2560, the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act, cuts spending immediately, caps it in future years, and requires Congress to send a Balanced Budget Amendment to the American public for approval.

H.R. 3400, the Jobs Through Growth Act, cuts through red tape, creates a simpler and fairer tax code, and tears down barriers to energy production. In short, it creates jobs by growing the economy, not the government.

H.R. 1167, the Welfare Reform Act, builds upon the successful reforms of 1996, paves the way to find efficiencies in the 70+ federal welfare programs, and returns welfare spending to pre-recession levels once unemployment falls to 6.5%.


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