Hundreds of Mayors Call for 'Parent Triggers' to Seize Failing Schools

Hundreds of Mayors Call for 'Parent Triggers' to Seize Failing Schools

On Saturday, the U.S. Conference of Mayors metin Orlando, Florida, and unanimously backed “parent trigger” lawsthat would empower parents of children trapped in failing publicschools to sidestep elected school boards, fire bad teachers and n” id=”articleText”>Parenttriggers are also creating a strong wedge between Democrats who favorthem and the big teachers unions who vehemently oppose them. 


DemocraticMayors Michael Nutter of Philadelphia, Antonio Villaraigosa of LosAngeles and Kevin Johnson of Sacramento led the charge for parenttrigger – and were backed by scores of other Democrats as well asRepublicans from coast to coast.

“Mayorsunderstand at a local level that most parents lack the tools they needto turn their schools around,” Villaraigosa said.

n” id=”articleText”>Other states, like Connecticut, Mississippi, and Texas already have similar pro-parentprovisions.  Parent triggers are currently being considered inMichigan, Pennsylvania, New York, and elsewhere.


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