Party First: Obama Campaign Co-Chair Says Democrats Should Prevent 'Grand Bargain' on Deficit

Party First: Obama Campaign Co-Chair Says Democrats Should Prevent 'Grand Bargain' on Deficit

President Barack Obama is campaigning against a Republican Congress he is trying to blame for his policy failures. However, his campaign’s co-chair may have revealed Obama and Democrats’ true intentions by making a so-called “Kinsley gaffe” in which someone mistakenly speaks the truth.

At the “Take Back the American Dream” conference on June 18, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), in addition to saying Democrats would raise taxes on the wealthy after the election, advised that Democrats should put the short term interests of their party over those of the country by not compromising with Republicans on any “grand bargain” deal on spending and the debt before the election.

This is yet another example of the Obama campaign’s rhetoric not matching its actions and intentions, and even more evidence that you can take Obama out of Chicago but you can’t take the Chicago-style politics out of him. 


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