Lanza 'Obsessed' With Violent Video Games

Lanza 'Obsessed' With Violent Video Games

It has been revealed that Adam Lanza, the depraved murderer in the Newtown, Connecticut massacre, was obsessed with violent video games. His favorite is said to have been “Dynasty Warriors,” a fantasy war game. But there are also reports that he also favored “Call of Duty,” another violent video game. A plumber who worked in the Lanza’s house said that Adam Lanza and his brother were fans of the military with posters all over the wall; one poster had a picture of every piece of military equipment in U.S. history.

There is other information: a video was found that showed Lanza shooting guns with friends. Neighbors have said Lanza’s mother never left him alone in a room. His mother was reportedly a survivalist who thought the end of the world was imminent because of the financial precariousness in the United States and hoarded guns and food in her preparation for the end.


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