Jeb Bush Still Speaking Spanish on Campaign Trail

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush speaks at the Growth and Opportunity Party, at
Steve Pope/Getty Images

DES MOINES, Iowa — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush  may well be bringing more energy to appearances, such as one at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. But Breitbart News noticed one thing remained the same – he is still speaking Spanish on the campaign trail.

After his speech at the Iowa Growth and Opportunity Party, Bush took questions from voters and a few reporters. He seemed more “energetic,” some say. But when he greeted a family of three who approached him after his speech, he spoke in Spanish.

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump previously criticized Bush for speaking Spanish on the campaign trail, suggesting he should be speaking English voters – who are American citizens.

“I like Jeb. He’s a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States,” Trump previously said.

Bush apparently “laughed” and said Trump’s statement was “ridiculous,” according to the Washington Post.


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