Trump Hits New High of 35%; Anti-Establishment Surges to 65%

The Associated Press
The Associated Press

Proving once again that our oh-so superior DC pundits are out-of-touch and blindingly bubble-dumb, a new CBS/New York Times national poll shows that all this talk about Donald Trump’s so-called ceiling is just more wishful thinking. If you thought the DC Media was furious before over their inability to destroy Trump, now that he has surged to 35%, the pundits’ impotent rage is about to go nuclear.

Last month, in this same poll, Trump sat at just 22%.

Trump isn’t just leading with 35%, he is crushing second and third place combined. Ted Cruz enjoys that second place standing with 16% support — which is a massive surge in this poll, quadrupling his showing in the last one.  Ben Carson is in third with 13%. Establishment favorite Marco Rubio sits in single digits with just 9%. Jeb Bush remains the walking dead at 3%. Carly Fiorina is at just 1%.

When you add together the national support for Trump, Cruz, and Carson, what you see is that a full 65% of GOP primary voters are in full rebellion against the Republican Establishment.

As of right now, with 35% support, Trump has as much support as all of the Establishment candidates combined.

That fact is no doubt giving night sweats to Republicans who have deluded themselves into believing that the secret sauce to dumping Trump is to coalesce around a single Establishment candidate.

And where is Chris Christie in this poll? You know, the same Chris Christie the DC Media spent two weeks rehabilitating?

Apparently, the New Jersey Governor failed to reach 1%.

We’re 50 days from Iowa. We’re two weeks from entering a 10 day black hole between Christmas and New Years. And what’s the state of the race?

Well, as of now, Trump has every Republican (other than Cruz) siding with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and the hated DC Media against his proposal to temporarily halt Muslim immigration. And this is happening on the very day when we are learning that a Islamic Savage who butchered 14 innocent people slipped through the same vetting program the DC Media assures us is in fine shape.

This poll was taken prior to Trump’s call for that temporary ban, a ban that a Bloomberg poll released Wednesday shows that 65% of Republicans agree with.

I’ll say it again…

If the Republican Establishment can’t defeat Donald Trump with the entire DC Media cabal on their side…

How will this same Establishment beat Hillary Clinton with the DC Media on her side?

In the Real Clear Politics poll of polls, after the DC Media has spent 5 months trying to annihilate him, Trump is only behind Hillary Clinton by -3.3 points.

Trump is not a politician. He is a revolutionary leading a revolution against two of the most hated, corrupt and dangerous intuitions in this country: the elite political class and a rotted, fat, comfortable, left-wing DC Media that has set the politically correct rules for presidential campaigns in such a way that our country is falling apart.

Power to the people.


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