Jerry Henry: Does Gun Control Work? Don’t Bet on It

A gun with an American flag decoration at a trade show by the National Rifle Association,

As with every murderous incident involving multiple victims, gun prohibitionists immediately start calling for more gun control even though blood from the last victim has not yet dried at the scene.

They don’t wait for the details of the crime to be determined, as that is not important to them. What is important to the gun prohibitionists is control; not gun control, just control, and that involves every facet of your life. Never forget their goal as they certainly will not.

Let us look at some of the controls they feel would solve this problem.

Background checks? The claim is that too many guns are sold through the so-called gun show loophole and that every firearm sold should require a background check of the purchaser.  Less than one tenth of one percent of all firearms sold are via private sale and even less of those are ever used in a crime. Of course, the gun prohibitionists overlook the fact that the last several firearms used in multiple victim murders were all sold to persons who passed a background check. And besides being ineffective, these checks cost money and take more of the law-abiding citizen’s time when purchasing a firearm.

The Sutherland Church murderer passed a background check even though he should have been tagged as a prohibited person. This was caused by a government agency foul-up.

Banning the modern sporting rifles such as AR-15 type rifles? All long guns, including all rifles and shotguns account for fewer murders than hammers, baseball bats, hands and feet, and many other implements.  These rifles represent no greater threat to the general public than many household items.

Banning all firearms? This will not happen. We tried probation in the 1920’s and it did not stop or even slow alcohol consumption in the U.S. How can you ban an item that will quickly be available on the black market?  Just a couple of years ago, California State Senator Leland Yee (D), who is now serving time in a federal prison, was charged with gun trafficking of fully automatic firearms and shoulder launched missiles. My prediction is that someone like Yee would see a large market and go after it as soon as the ban was enforced.

Limiting places where law-abiding citizens can carry firearms? In other words, let us disarm the victims so the criminals or those intent on criminal activities can have a safe work environment.  Still not the answer!  In Texas, one can carry a firearm in a church unless it is prohibited via the posting of state-approved signs.  These signs did nothing for the church members when the murderer started his execution. It took a good guy with a gun to stop the bad guy with a gun, just one more of many instances in which this has happened lately.

No one has ever come up with words on a piece of paper that would stop anyone bent on committing a heinous crime.

Is more gun control the answer? Not on your life.

Jerry Henry is the executive director of Georgia Carry and a guest columnist for “Down Range with AWR Hawkins.”


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