Part One: Bringing America Home Again

This series was inspired by the a six part, video examination of Dimitri Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony.

Before you go to sleep, however, or bump up another article, stay with me and this article’s title.

The cited video is Michael Tilson Thomas’ exceptional and exceptionally moving tribute to the soul of Dimitri Shostakovich and the hidden meanings within his Fifth Symphony that has profound relevance to the direction we are headed into with the Progressive New World Order.


The Tilson Thomas complete video is an intensely condensed portrait of Stalin’s Russia. I consider the Tilson Thomas lecture/documentary a “must-see” for anyone viewing America primarily through the eyes of Hollywood and the performing arts.

The Soviet Union ravenously fed on the terror we can find breathing beneath the Shostakovich Fifth Symphony. The nightmare is only there, however, and can only be perceived if we begin to understand the musical code with which Shostakovich is constructing an obligatory deception.

Shostakovich’s Fifth Symphony is a lie?

How do you appease a terrorist, the homicidal Communist Joseph Stalin, while, at the same time being true to yourself and your calling as an artist?

With that challenge in mind, why would I ever come up with the title, Bringing America Home Again?

The history of Stalin’s Russia is vitally important as a measure of how far the Progressive New World Order has dragged America and Americans away from their original faith in individual freedom and individual responsibility.

The last four Presidents have steadily transformed a Democracy into a Progressive New World Order Oligarchy and from there into an increasingly centralized, world power not within Washington, D. C but woven and strengthened daily out of the United Nations. That international body’s increasingly bloated animosity toward the three thousand year old Judeo-Christian civilization, the culture out of which most of America’s fundamental values have evolved, is a matter of historical record.

However, President Obama is determined to question America’s self-image with his “fundamental transformation”:

We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.

–President Barack Obama

Quite frankly, we are being dragged by this imperial vision of a New World Order into the undeniably Marxist vision of man as a manageable herd as versus a humanity with Judeo-Christian faith in the sacredness of the individual human being.

I now feel obliged to remind my readers of the obvious: Karl Marx and his writings are a great deal closer to both Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong than they are to the Holy Bible. With President Obama as a self-admitted Marxist and an avowed “secularist” when it comes to defining the soul of America, the Holy Bible and the entire Judeo-Christian Civilization appear increasingly irrelevant to the Obama Nation of America.

I recently examined my old hometown of New York City and its recent 9/11 Memorial Ceremony.

Clergy had been summarily excluded by Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama from an American memorial ceremony?

Are clergy somehow un-American?

From the President’s words cited above, one might certainly think so.

Clergy are “un-Progressive”!

A devout Marxist believes that religious faith is an “opiate” that the human race must replace with increasing dependence upon the opiate of centralized government and the spin-doctoring of Michael Bloomberg and President Barack Obama.

Is the President of the United States to be the only major spiritual leader we can depend on for guidance? He seemed to be the only one to quote scripture or invoke God’s name at the ceremony.

Yet some Americans, like former Ambassador John Bolton, seem to think that President Obama has neither a clear nor consistent vision. In the former Ambassador’s eyes, the President is “naïve”. Though Obama is clearly the fourth, Presidential nail in the prophecy of George H. W. Bush’s New World Order, the Ambassador doesn’t see a connection.

Ambassador Bolton’s appears totally out of touch with George H. W. Bush’s Progressive New World Order and its innermost circles, including the increasingly suspect, New World Order efforts of John Bolton’s onetime boss, George Jr.

Does the White House regularly lie to its United Nations’ Ambassador?

Misinform him so often that he’s made a regular arm of mainstream misinformation?

Particularly at this moment in American history?

Ambassador Bolton claims that President Obama has no coherent plan or strategy that supports both his domestic and foreign policies.


Wiping his own mind clean of even its own intelligence, John Bolton writes this breathtaking sentence about the Obama administration’s conduct:

“But it is folly to look for rhyme and reason

(in it)

when there is neither.”

The President’s belief that America has no specific religious tradition and his dismissal of clergy at the 9/11 Ceremony show a pattern of considerable rhyme and reason.

The Marxist/Islamic alliances, which Ambassador Bolton refuses to recognize within the Obama Nation’s “Progressive” strategies, reveal a clear and calculated connection between President Obama’s Arab Spring and his Marxist economic policies being thrust on the United States.

Beginning the second segment of Maestro Thomas’ exegesis of the Shostakovich Fifth Symphony are a few but powerfully familiar measures from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.

Beethoven, until the moment Napoleon Bonaparte declared himself an “Emperor”, had been a Bonapartiste, a devoted disciple of Napoleon’s dream of uniting Europe.

Shostakovich, particularly in his second and third symphonies, had shown himself a devoted child of the Communist Dream. When the Revolution began in 1917, Dimitri was only 11 years old.

How had Shostakovich put himself into such disgrace with the “authorities” that he feared for his life?

Stalin had attended a performance of the Shostakovich opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.

The dictator leader of the Soviets had walked out of the theater after the first act.

Then a second and literally life-and-death evaluation of that opera appeared in the official Communist newspaper, Pravda. It was a scathing indictment of both Shostakovich and his music.

Many said and many still say that it was Joseph Stalin himself who wrote the condemnation.

The Message had been sent!

Shostakovich had been thrown into such terror that he sometimes waited on the stairs of his apartment building for the KGB to show up for him. He didn’t want his loved ones to see him taken away.

The composer had cancelled his own Fourth Symphony shortly before its premiere performance for fear that what he had written was exactly what Stalin had criticized about Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.

This is when the export of Soviet propaganda and Stalin’s propagandists to the United States and the infiltration of the American performing arts began.

Stalin’s theory was: if you control a nation’s arts, you control the soul of that nation.

For the over eighty years that have passed since Stalin began his indoctrination of the Free World, the performing arts in America have been the main target of both Stalin’s policies and those of his still-devoted disciples.

Ever since then, the films and television series of Hollywood have been decidedly fed a Marxist and, in some cases, an actually Soviet bill of fare.

Tragically Hollywood has made the Far Left view of America its own perspective and the films arising from its studios and independent filmmakers mock, criticize and humiliate traditional American values.

No, America is not the Soviet Union yet and the Progressive New World Order isn’t undiluted Communism.

However, Barack Hussein Obama’s “fundamental transformation of the United States” and his Obama Nation has no other visible destination than a Marxist New World Order.

In my next segment of this series, Bringing America Back Home, I will be recalling our last and longest contact with a leader of the Soviet Union: Ronald Reagan’s efforts to come to some peaceful solutions with Mikhail Gorbachev.

With the Shostakovich Fifth Symphony as our emotional guide, we can see with increasing depth the massively homicidal inevitabilities in an increasingly centralized governing system with worldwide ambitions. A creation such as the Progressive New World Order and its increasingly empowered, increasingly selective oligarchy.

What will be the fanfare to the Progressive and Increasingly Tyrannical New World Order?

The very riots predicted by Progressive Mayor, Michael Bloomberg of New York and actually promoted by the deliberately failing prescriptions of Bloomberg’s fellow provocateur, President Obama.

What is the “fundamental transformation of the United States”?

Martial law.

With that as the objective of the entire Obama Nation, everything Obama has done makes perfect sense.


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