Obama Knocks De Niro for FLOTUS Joke

Obama Knocks De Niro for FLOTUS Joke

Along with Bill Maher and Louis C.K., throw Robert De Niro on the pile of those on the Left who have become collateral damage in President Barack Obama’s cynical and phony war against a non-existent war on women:

“Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum. Ann Romney. Now do you really think our country is ready for a white First Lady?” actor Robert De Niro deadpanned during introductory remarks for First Lady Michelle Obama at a New York fundraiser Monday night.

“Too soon, right?”

In response, Newt Gingrich handled this beautifully:

What De Niro said last night was inexcusable and the president should apologize for him,” former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said at a campaign stop in Louisiana. “It was at an Obama fundraiser, it is exactly wrong, it divides the country.”

Alluding to the the recent Rush Limbaugh imbroglio, Gingrich continued, “If people on the left want to talk about talk-show hosts, then everybody in the country should hold the president accountable when someone at his event says something that is utterly and terrible unacceptable as what Robert De Niro said.”

And under the bus went De Niro.

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh just keeps on keeping on and Obama’s poll numbers continue to decline.

God bless America.



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