Box Office Predictions: 'Twilight' Faces Swarm Of Newcomers

Box Office Predictions: 'Twilight' Faces Swarm Of Newcomers

Sensei turned out to be right on the money with his latest film essay predicting “Skyfall’s” success. As Thanksgivingdawns, Sensei weighs in on the newcomers trying to pull a holiday win.

Sensei’s predictions for the holiday/weekend go as follows.

1. “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part Two– Many new films will challenge, but the result will be the same. This final franchise installment will easily win turkey week. $44 million (Fri-Sun), $65 million (Wed-Sun).

2. “Skyfall– James Bond faces quite a challenge for the runner-up position. Look for a close battle with “Rise of the Guardians.” $30 million (Fri-Sun), $40 million (Wed-Sun).

3. “Rise of the Guardians – Film may have “The Muppets”-like appeal, but Bond can be quite formidable himself. $29 million (Fri-Sun), $40 million (Wed-Sun)

4. “Lincoln– Steven’sSpielberg’s latest will post the most impressive hold of the week. Filmcontinues to prosper off Oscar buzz, and more importantly, high marks fromaudiences. $19 million (Fri-Sun), $25 million (Wed-Sun)

5. “Red Dawn Thisremake of the 1984 cult classic carries a lot of firepower with ChrisHemsworth at the helm. Expect a solid opening that surprises Hollywoodand film critics alike. $15 million (Fri-Sun), $23 million (Sun-Wed).

In other calls:

Look for “Life of Pi” to bring in around $22 million for the five-day frame (Wed-Sun) while “Silver Linings Playbook” will barely register on anyone’s film radar with only $5.7 million (Wed-Sun).

That’s Sensei’s calls. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.


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