Hollywood Squeezes New Life Out of Yuletide Classic with 'Wonderful Life' Sequel

Hollywood Squeezes New Life Out of Yuletide Classic with 'Wonderful Life' Sequel

If you loved the classic movie It’s a Wonderful Life, you might not want to read the next sentence.

Star Partners and Hummingbird Productions are planning to produce a sequel to the archetypal Christmas film called It’s a Wonderful Life: The Rest of the Story. The film is due for release during the 2015 holiday season.

You may ask, what’s the hook? Here it is: Karolyn Grimes, who played George Bailey’s daughter “Zuzu” in the 1946 classic, will play an angel guiding a mortal named George Bailey (sound familiar?) But this time, thank your lucky stars, instead of Bailey being a great guy who learns that the world would have been a poorer place without him, this Bailey, the original’s grandson, is unlikeable and learns that the world would have been better off if he hadn’t been born.

Grimes said, “The new film will retain the feeling of the original, and it simply must be shared. I’ve probably read close to 20 scripts over the years suggesting a sequel to ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ but none of them were any good. The script by Bob Farnsworth and Martha Bolton was wonderful, and I wanted to be involved with his version of the film immediately.”

Of course, the last time Grimes was in a film was in 1952, as the uncredited Little Match Girl in Hans Christian Andersen, so her eagerness to get before a camera again may explain her eagerness to participate in yet another Hollywood cheap spin-off.


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