Delingpole: Sarah Silverman Critiques Trump’s Climate Policies with Fart Joke

Actors Jon Hamm and Sarah Silverman speak onstage during the 2018 Film Independent Spirit
Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images

President Trump’s climate policies are a disaster because…bad fart joke.

No, really. This is the level of intelligence and wit in the latest attack by the liberal-left entertainment industry on President Donald Trump.

Just watch for yourself in this excruciating Sarah Silverman video.

Actually don’t watch. It’s too painful. I’ll take you through the worst bits.

Silverman: “I just read the story where Trump told the oil and gas companies that they can be, like, a lot less careful about methane leaks…”

Me: No one buys your, “like, hey I’m like so relaxed about this crazy new Trump thing I just randomly found…” Like so many Hollywood liberals, you have form. You’re a green activist. Definitely more of an activist than a comedian. As you’re about to demonstrate in this desperately lame excuse for a comedic monologue.

Silverman: “…because they’re rolling back environmental regulations. Why would they do this?”

Me: Because, duh, oil and gas is what powers the U.S. economy, keeps life-saving machines in hospitals going, ferries your kids to school, powers the laptops on which left-wing comedians write their crappy sketches and the cameras that film their sassy, smug expressions as they spout this green propaganda crap and pretend they’re being funny. Environmental regulations are just another stick used by the greenie left to attack economic growth, which it hates for ideological reasons.

Silverman: “Well I’ll tell you. It’s because they are in bed with Big Oil. Big Oil invests massive amounts of money into the Republican party.”

Me: Just like crony capitalists in the renewables scam — Tom Steyer; the guys behind Solyndra — invest massive amounts of money in the Democrat party. “Big Oil” hires lots of people. Oil runs our economy and raises our standard of living. Political contributions are constitutionally protected Free Speech. “Big Oil” gives money to politicians that value these things. Why give money to communists who are too stupid to value them?  When Big Oil is thriving, the consumer and business win. When renewable energy is on the ascendant, it just means more subsidies, higher cost of living, more dead birds and bats.

Silverman: “It’s backscratching at the expense of human lives and the planet we live on, as we release more and more gas into the air.”

Me: Human lives are immeasurably improved through the cheap, abundant energy provided by fossil fuel. As for the planet, see all the dead birds and bats sliced and diced by wind turbines, as above.

Silverman: “And yes, I know you think I’m going to make a fart joke. And I’m not.”

Me: No one was expecting a fart joke. No one wants a fart joke. We can all see what’s going on here because it’s so transparent. You want to make your hectoring, dreary political point. But you want, somehow, to dress it up as comedy. You think ‘fart joke make everything funny’. But no, fart joke just make everything look tragic and desperate.

Silverman: “This is ****ing serious you guys.”

Me: Ah. The even more desperate “I’m going to swear to make it sound more edgy, like a stand up a gig” gambit. Doesn’t work. Sorry.

Silverman: “Methane traps heat in the atmosphere 25 times more than carbon dioxide.”

Me: The threat posed by methane is entirely theoretical. This article, by someone who understands the science, explains precisely why.

Silverman: “It’s a shitty gas, it’s a shitty gas, shitty gas.”

Me: “Bill Nye level science with added swearing. Yeah. That sure strengthens your argument.”

Silverman: “They’re rolling back environmental regulations the same summer that the West coast has been ravaged by forest fires.”

Me: Nothing to do with climate change, let alone Donald Trump. If you’re going to blame anyone for natural disasters like this, blame environmental nutjobs and their misguided policies.

Silverman: “The same week there’s a major hurricane, Hurricane Florence.”

Me: Hurricanes are decreasing not increasing. They have nothing to do with climate change. As for Hurricane Florence, read this.

Silverman (on President Trump): “What a dick!”

Me: That’s what this is really all about isn’t it? Just another excuse to express your butthurt that Hillary didn’t win through pottymouth insults.

Silverman: “Look whether you believe humans are causing climate change like 97 percent of the world’s scientists.”

Me: That’s basically just a lie – a very extreme version of a misleading claim, debunked here.

Silverman: “Or if you believe God is punishing us for marriage equality or abortion or male rompers.”

Me: Yes, as long as the liberal entertainment industry goes on like this dismissing conservatives as ignorant, bigoted, superstitious maniacs, Donald Trump will go on #winning.

Silverman: “We can all agree that this is not a good time to be gleefully celebrating environmental deregulation.”

Me: Oh more than half of us disagree. That’s why we’re #winning.

Silverman: “And yes, methane leaks sound like a term for farts. Hahaha. Get it out of your system. I’m just saying whoever denies climate change is contributing to making the climate change.”

Me: There is no evidence for this claim. Hysterical assertions of it are no substitute for evidence.

Silverman: “It’s science.”

Me. Whatever it is it sure as hell ain’t comedy.

Silverman: “Whoever denied it supplied it. And that was a fart joke.”

Me: And that, my friends, is what the tragic end of a stand-up’s comic credibility sounds like.


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