NBC: Obama 'Genial,' Republicans Mean

NBC: Obama 'Genial,' Republicans Mean

The Old Media has found its narrative for Obama’s first press conference since March and the first since his re-election, and that narrative can be boiled down simply to this: Obama helpfully Reaching Out, Republicans still mean as snakes.

After the presser was through, several Old Media outlets — one being Reuters — set the tone with a positive spin for Obama and a negative one for Republicans. NBC also followed this Old Media template.

In the hours after the presser ended, NBC News filed a series of reports that portrayed Obama in a positive light. One report saw NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd gushing over the President’s appearance.

“It was a loose, confident, and at times aggressive President Obama….He even extended an olive branch and encouraged growing common ground between the two parties….he was genial and even reflective,” Todd said on Wednesday’s Nightly News.

Naturally, Todd found that the only thing that sullied Obama’s wonderful presser was the “negative comments” by a coterie of Republican Senators who held their own press conference that same day, announcing their desire to investigate the disastrous Benghazi incident and confirming their resistance to any thought that UN Ambassador Susan Rice might become our next Secretary of State.

So, while Chuck Todd pronounced Obama “confident,” “conciliatory,” and “genial” and said he offered an “olive branch” to Republicans, he presented Republicans as just mean. Most particularly, he had little but dour words for Senator John McCain (R, AZ).

Lastly, Todd thought it was just wonderful that Obama was so “conciliatory” toward Mitt Romney.

“While the President had some tough words for his old presidential rival, John McCain, he actually was very conciliatory toward Mitt Romney. He reiterated his hope that they would sit down. He said there was actually a lot of ideas that Mitt Romney said on the campaign that he agrees with,” Todd sonorously intoned.

Does anyone, I mean anyone, really think that Barack Obama has any intention at all of giving Mitt Romney the legitimacy of a meeting in the White House after he lost the election? Seriously?


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