Daily Beast: Piers Morgan Reserves Special Verbs for Gays

Daily Beast: Piers Morgan Reserves Special Verbs for Gays

In a poetically beautiful beat down published Saturday, Daily Beast columnist Michael Moynihan eviscerates CNN’s Piers Morgan. You’ll want to read the whole thing, especially the closer, but I found this worth noting: [emphasis added]

Asked … to address attacks leveled by Daily Beast blogger Andrew Sullivan–who headlined a recent blog post “The Dumb, Disgusting Desperation of Piers Morgan”–he declared his fellow Brit to be “a dick” who is “extremely bitchy.”

It’s a description that Morgan–a deeply serious journalist, remember–frequently uses to describe Sullivan. Despite professing that he doesn’t “give a toss” about his adversary, Morgan’s Twitter feed is laced with attacks on the “bitchy @sullydish” and his “bitchy piece[s]” about Piers Morgan Tonight; complaints that “bitchy @sullydish forgot to mention” certain relevant, pro-Piers information; and general irritation at his “bitchy whines” and “whiny hissy-fit blogs.” When Sullivan snarked about CNN’s low ratings, Morgan advised his antagonist to watch his “bitchy cyberspace back, sunshine.” Indeed, he appears incapable of uttering Sullivan’s name without the word “bitch” making a cameo. (Irish talk host Graham Norton, who is also gay, has a similarly reserved verb: Morgan has no time for the “mincing, talentless little fool” or, alternately, the “mincing little midget.”)

If Morgan is indeed singling out homosexuals with pejoratives like “bitch,” “hissy-fit,” and “mincing,” it’s not speech-policing to say he’s way out of line.

Around this same time last year, CNN’s Roland Martin was  suspended by CNN after the bullies at GLAAD launched yet another one of its fascist silencing crusades against Martin for a series of childish tweets that had absolutely nothing to do with sexuality. I’m no Roland Martin fan, but the man was thoroughly railroaded by GLAAD and his network, and I publicly took his side.

In the spirit of holding the left-wing media and GLAAD to its own rules, and due to the fact that Morgan may indeed be crossing a line by doing what Martin was innocent of: singling out gays and attacking their sexuality (and therefore humanity) with profanity and stereotypes like “mincing” — I’d like to know why Morgan is immune from criticism and Martin almost lost his job.

We’ve seen the same thing with BuzzFeed. On two occasions now, two different BuzzFeed staffers have publicly hurled anti-gay invective at those they knew were gay. On both occasions, we saw no outrage from GLAAD or apparent repercussions.

Once again, it appears as though Roland Martin was singled out.

Again, I ask why?


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