CNN, Politico, WaPo, NYT Bury Hillary Clinton Email Bombshell

Hillary Clinton to appear before Benghazi panel in October

Tuesday night the bombshell news hit that Democrat presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton turned over her rogue email server to authorities and that the Inspector General found that, despite Clinton saying the complete opposite was true just a few months ago, two highly classified documents were in fact found in her emails and therefore on an unsecured server located in her New York home.

It is crucial to note that those 2 are only part of a very small sample size of the thousands of emails Hillary turned over.

Nevertheless, in an obvious effort to protect the White House for Democrats, much of the left-wing media (that identifies as objective) are noticeably downplaying and even burying this objectively huge news.


At the top of the 9 a.m. news hour, while even MSNBC led with the email revelation, CNN led with a long segment about Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. It wasn’t until 8 minutes after the hour that CNN mentioned the email news, and that was it — a mention, nothing more. There wasn’t even a segment on the bombshell. CNN was undoubtedly desperate to move on.

If the story is ANYWHERE on CNN’s online homepage, I couldn’t find it.

It gets worse.

The story is only a small “latest news” blurb on the CNN politics vertical. Moreover, the story is headlined in a way to make it look as though Hillary is voluntarily being transparent, “Hillary Clinton to turn over private email server to Justice Department”

It is now 55 minutes after the news hour and CNN has not run a single segment. There was, however, a segment about disco.




Of the four top-of-the-page morning headlines at the left-wing Politico, not one is about the dual email bombshells. The most prominent relevant headline is designed to make it look as though  turning over the server was an act of transparency on Hillary’s part: “Clinton asks staff to turn over email server, thumb drive.”



Neither The Washington Post nor The New York Times found the news worthy of any space on their respective front pages.

Except for stories recommended to me, the news about Hillary’s emails is nowhere to be found on The New York Times home page.

The Washington Post does have the story as a top item with the headline, “Clinton agrees to provide private e-mail server to FBI.

Compare this to the media’s handling of Christie’s BridgeGate, Todd Akin, Romney’s taxes, PlameGate….

Need I go on?

Just another reminder that…

Democrats sure got it good.



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