Bizarre. That’s the only word to describe how “in the bag” NBC News is for Hillary Clinton. You’d almost think she owns them. You’d almost think she’s blackmailing or bribing them. She must have photos of the head of the NBC News division and anchorman Lester Holt in bed with someone very shocking. It’s that bad.

It’s so bad that NBC News now stands for NO BAD CLINTON NEWS.

NBC must be getting something out of their arrangement, to ignore every piece of negative news and scandal about Hillary, but take every sentence by Donald Trump out of context and turn it into a major headline.

Take this past Monday night. I got home after hosting six hours of talk radio, where I listed in detail to all the scandals and shocking revelations involving Hillary and Obama – the man whose legacy she protects. Remember Hillary is running for the third term of Obama. 

I couldn’t fit all of Hillary’s shocking scandals and obscene problems into six hours of talk on two radio shows. But I predicted live on the air that NBC Evening News wouldn’t mention any of it. I predicted they’d bury Donald Trump’s economic plan by first leading with some Trump statement taken out of context, then devoting only 30 seconds or so to his bold economic plan, and then interviewing only critics who’d tell us how bad it is.

I was 100% on the money.

Let me list all the many shocking stories NBC News should be mentioning, if not covering extensively. Instead they won’t even admit these news stories and scandals exist. 

Can you even imagine if Donald Trump served in a presidential cabinet and sold out his access and government contracts in return for donations to his foundation? It would be the biggest news story in America. The FBI would be leading him away in handcuffs right now.

Can you even imagine if we had proof Trump rigged the GOP primary? The FBI would be leading him away in handcuffs right now. 

Can you even imagine if three RNC officials wound up dead under suspicious circumstances after a leak of Trump emails? This would be the biggest news story in America. 

But none of these important, amazing, or shocking scandals and revelations are ever mentioned in any major way on NBC News. Instead the lead stories are always about one sentence of Trump’s taken out of context. Or one spat between Trump and a Muslim father. Or infighting between Trump and the GOP establishment. Or Trump’s comments on Hispanics or Muslims. 

Yes, NBC News now stands for “No Bad Clinton News.” And their entire news division is committed to destroying Donald Trump and electing Hillary president – at all costs.

It’s official. America is now a Banana Republic.