Video: Ted Cruz Gets Eric Holder to Admit That Killing Americans With Drones On U.S. Soil Is UNCONSTITUTIONAL

In response to Rand Paul Filibuster Inspires HuffPo to Blister Obama Over Drone Policy:

This morning, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was able to get Attorney General Eric Holder to admit, (after much hemming and hawing about “appropriateness”) that it
was unconstitutional to kill a US citizen on US soil with a drone strike, providing that American terror suspect does not pose an “imminent threat.”

Via Sean Higgins of The Washington Examiner:

Cruz took the opportunity of Holder’s appearance this morning before the
senate Judiciary Committee to ask about the government stance. “If an
individual is sitting quietly in a cafe in the US, in your legal
judgment, does the Constitution allow a US citizen on US soil to be
killed by a drone?” Cruz asked, adding later the qualifier:  “If that
individual is not posing an imminent and immediate threat of death or
bodily harm.”

It took Cruz close to four minutes to get Holder to admit that such a strike would indeed be unconstitutional.



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