Cameron will Open Scottish Conservative Conference with Independence Warning

Cameron will Open Scottish Conservative Conference with Independence Warning

David Cameron will open Scottish Conservative Party Conference later today with a warning that Independence would tear a family of nations apart. He will also compare the decision of which way to vote to other major life changing decisions such as buying a house.

Mr Cameron is expected to say: “This referendum is a major life decision – and you don’t make one of those without getting all the information you can.

“You wouldn’t buy a house without getting a survey done. You wouldn’t choose a car without an MOT.

“And you shouldn’t make a decision about changing your nation – forever – without knowing in full what the consequences may be.”

The prime minister will also point out that the consequences of independence have been laid out by figures including Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso and the bosses of companies such as BP, Shell, RBS, Lloyds and Barclays.

“These are not political puppets, they are serious, non-partisan figures. So, the idea that these are empty warnings and political scare-mongering is a myth – and we owe it to the people of Scotland to take that myth apart.

“It’s about being part of a bigger team. A family of nations.”

The referendum vote will take place on Thursday 18 September 2014 and recent polling has shown that the result could go either way.


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