Police will soon adopt a raft of “enhanced inclusivity” measures including celebrating “culturally-focused events like Black History Month” as forces across Britain are ordered to treat minority representation like a “critical incident”.

According to Police Oracle, a plan set to be launched next week will see every force create a “gold group at chief officer level focused on diversity”, with identity politics to be made a major priority.

Senior officers, staff associations, and members of various “communities” will work together towards meeting so-called diversity targets, the law enforcement news outlet said.

These will reportedly be set by local mayors, Police and Crime Commissioners, and Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) — the last of which was first tasked with transforming Britain’s “too white” police forces by then-Home Secretary Theresa May in 2015.

She also ordered the inspectorate to force “radical change” on Britain’s fire brigades, which she slammed for being “96 percent white and 95 percent male” and supposedly plagued by a “toxic” culture of “harassment”.

Committing police chiefs to “embedding diversity, equality and inclusion” into the heart of their forces’ every activity, the strategy comes with a “toolkit” of actions to increase minority representation, including making “emotional health and happiness” a priority and bringing in “reverse mentoring” schemes in which lower ranked officers will train their seniors in so-called “emotional intelligence”.

Forces will also be told to introduce flexible working practices enabling time off for cultural or religious observance, as well as launching initiatives celebrating “culturally-focused events such as major religious festivals and Black History Month”.

Chief Constable Gareth Wilson, chairman of the NPCC diversity, equality, and inclusion committee, said: “What we’re talking about are local strategic leaders taking real ownership around this and making sure the strategy turns into action rather than being left on a shelf.

“There’s a real willingness among chiefs, so much so that it was unanimously accepted at chiefs’ council. Our ultimate aim is to ensure delivery against all nine protected characteristics.

“You cannot compartmentalise an individual into one category, we have to look at diversity across all nine protected characteristics,” he added, referring to the areas to which the strategy applies — namely sex; race; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion and belief; pregnancy and maternity; marriage and civil partnership; and gender reassignment.

Meanwhile, incidents of violent crime have skyrocketed under now-Prime Minister Theresa May’s government, along with soaring rates of burglary and robberies — only five percent of which are solved, as Breitbart London reported earlier this year.

Despite increasing public concern around such crime in Britain, police have been told that tackling “hate crime” and giving special support to its “victims” must be a key priority for forces, with government ploughing funding into initiatives related to the issue against a backdrop of cuts to core law enforcement.

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