NetRight Daily: Fall of UK Conservative Party, Rise of UKIP an Omen for GOP

NetRight Daily: Fall of UK Conservative Party, Rise of UKIP an Omen for GOP

From NetRight Daily:

The latest polling in the United Kingdom has shown a surge by the UK Independence Party (UKIP) to take the lead in the upcoming European parliamentary elections.

UKIP leads with 31 percent support, the Labour Party with 28 percent, the Conservative Party with 19 percent, and the Liberal Democrats with 9 percent. The election is less than a month away, scheduled for May 22.

The result builds on UKIP’s resounding success in the 2013 county council elections, when the party came in third place in the popular vote and won 140 seats for the first time. Labour had 29 percent, the Conservative Tories 25 percent, UKIP 23 percent, and the Liberal Democrats 14 percent.

Read the rest of the story at NetRight Daily.


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