GOP Rep: Zimmerman Was Acquitted, 'Get Over It'

GOP Rep: Zimmerman Was Acquitted, 'Get Over It'

“Get over it.” That’s the message from a Republican congressman to the protests over George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the murder trial of Trayvon Martin.  Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) also said that the House might need to take a look at the Justice Department’s actions if they needlessly pursue federal charges against Zimmerman.

Harris (R-MD) appeared on “Mornings on the Mall” on WMAL in Washington DC Tuesday with me and co-host Brian Wilson.  After a discussion about this week’s House vote delaying the employee mandate for the Affordable Care Act, the conversation turned to the dominant news story of the week, the Zimmerman acquittal. Harris conceded that he was not following every minute detail of the trial considering his full slate of tasks in the House of Representatives but he did lend his opinion to the national conversation. 

Listen to the entire interview here:  


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