Sarah Palin: GOP Establishment Fighting Chris McDaniel Rather Than Obama

Sarah Palin: GOP Establishment Fighting Chris McDaniel Rather Than Obama

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin blasted the Republican establishment on Tuesday for spending more time trying to tear down Mississippi conservative Senate candidate Chris McDaniel than combating President Barack Obama’s lawlessness at home and incompetence abroad.

Days before the Mississippi runoff, establishment Republicans have been trying to save incumbent Sen. Thad Cochran (R-MS) by painting McDaniel as “unelectable” in a general election in one of the most reliably conservative states in the nation. 

Palin said that if “the national GOP machine spent as much time fighting President Obama’s disastrous and dangerous agenda as they’ve spent fighting that great conservative candidate Chris McDaniel, well, maybe they’d have been successful at stopping Obama’s ‘fundamental transformation’ of our country.” She added that the “negative results from Obama fulfilling that one promise of his to transform America are just beginning to be felt at home and abroad.”

“Let’s cut through the GOP Establishment’s rhetoric and the predictable media bias in Mississippi’s U.S. Senate race and look directly at the record,” she said. “Chris McDaniel is a proven conservative fighter with undeniably impressive, tangible and needed results. He’s gone above and beyond in his capacity as a citizen, attorney, and citizen legislator to stop the Obama agenda.”

“We need to send this fighter to Washington where he will continue his fight for all of us by shaking up the status quo and by effectually defending our Constitution,” Palin wrote. 

Palin urged voters in Mississippi to “please send a message to the career politicians who sure seem satisfied with the trajectory our nation is on, because they sure don’t lift a finger to help elect the guys they KNOW will be the fighters for American exceptionalism in DC.”

“Instead, they ignore their opportunity to stop the damaging leftist policies the people do not want,” she said, adding, “and instead choose to put all these resources into trying to defeat a courageous, proven Republican who’s smart enough to stay independent of any political machine on any side of the aisle for the sake of We the People.”

As Breitbart News’ Matthew Boyle reported, on the Friday before the primary, “Palin made a last-minute appearance with McDaniel in his home county–Jones County–and 2,000 people showed up at the event with less than 24-hours’ notice.” Crowds “even swarmed Palin when they saw her getting lunch at a local diner after the event with McDaniel’s campaign.” On election night, that county saved McDaniel “by giving him 85% of the vote combined with a massive turnout.”

The most recent polling shows that McDaniel is up by 8-12 points over Cochran ahead of Tuesday’s runoff.


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