Whoopi to Carly: Can You Be President for All With Your Christian Beliefs?

Tuesday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Whoopi Goldberg asked 2016 Republican presidential candidate and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina if her “Christian beliefs” on abortion would allow her to be president “for everyone.”

Goldberg asked, “I’m sorry, I got to ask this question. The first part of it is you’re running, I assume you’re a person who is very, sort of, pro-life. Are you going to run as a person going to govern for everyone or are you running on your Christian beliefs? … Because you said some wonderful things and it made me ask the question. If you feel that women should have choices, why do you think choice is not a good thing?”

“Well, look, I think that abortion is obviously a delicate subject,” Fiorina replied. “I happen to believe that science is proving us right. The DNA in a zygote is the same as the day you die. But I know we don’t all agree. We do have common ground, the majority of women, young people and Americans now think that late term abortion is a problem.”

Goldberg protested, but Fiorina countered with, “If you read the polls you can see that.”

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