NYC Episcopalian School Invited ‘Drag Queen Activist’ to ‘Teach the Children’

An Episcopalian school in blue New York City invited a drag queen to its “Pride Chapel” event earlier this year, as minors were encouraged to stand up and clap for the activist.

According to the drag queen’s TikTok, Grace Church School invited the activist, Brita Filter, to “teach the children.”

“I literally went to church to teach the children today… ️‍️‍⚧️,” Filter wrote in a TikTok post in April.
“A Catholic High School here in NYC invited me to their Pride Chapel,” he continued, misstating the school’s denomination, as it is Episcopalian.

“Visibility matters and I’m so honored to have had the chance to talk to you about my work as a LGBTQ+ Drag Queen Activist,” he added.

The video features a masked man introducing the drag queen, urging the high school students to stand up and welcome him.

“Her name is Brita Filter, and she is the queen of New York! Yaaaaaaas!” he exclaimed in the video that has recently gone viral:

According to the school’s website, the Grace Church School focuses on integrating “ethical consciousness and academic excellence by addressing the moral, personal, and spiritual development of students,” describing itself as an “intentionally inclusive community.”

“The Episcopal school tradition recognizes the unique, intrinsic worth of every human being, bestowed upon each by a loving God,” it continues. 

The school said it intentionally attempts to instill students with a “deep respect” for not just race or religion but sexual orientation and gender identity, touting its “anti-bias” and “antiracism” programs. 

Students are required to attend chapel at the school, which is described as “non-denominational Christian observance, loosely drawn from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, that neither includes nor excludes a student on the basis of religion.” Chapel talks include topics including but not limited to “social justice themes.” Because of these beliefs, it was not shock for the school to expose high schoolers to a “Pride Chapel,” which took place in late April.

Per the school’s website:

The audience was treated to a surprise guest—world-renowned drag queen, Brita Filter. After a performance of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” Brita sat with Director of Vocal Music, Andrew Leonard, to answer questions about drag, representation and what pride month symbolizes. Student members of Spectrum shared their own stories and experiences of identity and belonging at Grace, before the Grace Notes closed out the chapel with a performance of Rina Sayayama’s “Chosen Family.”

According to the school, “Pride Chapels” apparently “help empower Grace students to foster a safe and welcoming place for all, in which the diversity of our school is celebrated and lifted up.”

Breitbart News reached out to the Episcopal Church, inquiring how it justifies promoting radical woke gender ideology on children, but it did not receive a response.

The viral video comes as others continue to surface, showing children exposed to drag shows at schools as well as restaurants, prompting some, such as Florida, to take action to protect children.

“So we said, ‘Wait a minute.’ Having kids involved in this is wrong, that is not consistent with our law and policy in the state of Florida, and it is a disturbing trend in our society to try to sexualize these young people,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) recently said of this recent trend.

“That is not the way you look out for our children,” he added.


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