MSNBC’s Scarborough: ‘It’s Insanity’ — White Elitist Dems Are Setting Up Party to Lose

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough said Monday on “Morning Joe” that “white progressives” who had been “spouting extreme positions” have been setting up the Democratic Party party to lose.

Scarborough said, “It was true in ’17, and it was doubly true in 2024, that these white progressives on the far, far left said, ‘We’re going to save you, black and Hispanic people of America.’ A lot of black and hispanic people of America say, ‘No thanks. you’re kind of wild. You’re too far left. We believe in the American dream. We want to be part of the American dream. Thanks but no thanks. Keep that in your college class.”

He continued, “It is something that I have been saying on the show for a couple years now. When I’d have dinner with Democrats, with Democrats, we’d all be sitting there having dinner, I don’t know if your experiences are the same, about halfway in, somebody would say, my daughter is at, pick the school, University of Virginia. She can’t raise her hand and speak in class if she says the wrong thing, she’s immediately canceled.”

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Scarborough added, “We were very critical about a man who was a swimmer in the Ivy league who transitioned and swam against women. Suddenly, he went from, like, 386th best swimmer against men to like the first against women. I remember saying something about it at the time, and people going, ‘Oh, my god, how dare you say that. Why, you’re a radical extremist. I said, actually, there’s a poll that shows 85% of Americans agree with me.’ It’s so fascinating, so fascinating that all these people who have been championing women all of these years sort of abandoned girls who had been waking up and their parents have been driving them to go swimming or running track and field from the time they were 5 years old at 5:00 in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays and, suddenly, they abandon them and won’t say a word because they’re afraid they’re going to be canceled. It’s insanity.”

He concluded, “You look at the surveys, and it shows that more black Americans and Hispanic Americans believe in the more than dream than those people spouting those extreme positions. yeah, we say every day, we have a long way to go to be a more perfect union, but being an extremist and setting one party up to lose year after year, every four years, that’s no way to do it.”

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