President Ronald Reagan

Family Argues Mexican National Killed by Border Patrol Had Constitutional Rights

A Mexican family whose son was killed by a U.S. Border Patrol agent told the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday that the agent violated their son’s constitutional rights by using unnecessary deadly force. A preliminary issue is whether the Constitution applies to someone who is not a citizen of the U.S. and was standing on Mexican soil at the time of the shooting.

Bartletti, Don –– – MARCH 19, 2009. RODEO, NEW MEXICO. Veteran U.S. Border Patrol tr

Exclusive: Insane to Release an ‘Insane’ Hinckley, Says Reagan’s Personal Aide

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute issued a statement Wednesday on the Hinkley release: “John Hinckley is responsible for the shooting of President Reagan and three other brave men. One died two years ago from the wounds he received. Contrary to the judge’s decision, we believe John Hinckley is still a threat to others and we strongly oppose his release. They are all lives that matter dearly to us.”

President Ronald Reagan Waves To Onlookers Moments Before An Assassination Attempt By John

10 Diseases Other Than Alzheimer’s Ripe for Will Ferrell Comedy

In the wake of Will Ferrell’s decision to spoof Ronald Reagan’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease, we’ve compiled list of other tragic illnesses which the comedian might consider for follow-ups. No doubt, Mr. Ferrell, with his sophisticated insights, will be able to mine the humor in all of these.

Will Ferrell Wedding Crashers