Brit Hume: Sterling Case Raises Question of What Anti-Discrimination Laws Can and Cannot Do

Brit Hume: Sterling Case Raises Question of What Anti-Discrimination Laws Can and Cannot Do

On Monday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel, network senior political analyst Brit Hume reacted to the controversy involving allegations that Los Angeles Clipper owner Donald Sterling made racist remarks.

“The Donald Sterling case lies at the intersection of what society and its laws can do about racial discrimination and what they can’t. Here’s a man twice thought worthy of awards from the NAACP who had a half-black girlfriend, but did not want her photographed with black men in blic. Sterling obviously understood that racism is unacceptable in America today, thus his contributions to the NAACP and his ownership of a team led by a black coach and heavily populated by black players. That was the public side of Donald Sterling on race — the part influenced by society and its laws. But privately, he clearly harbored racist sentiments.”

“The question thus arises whether the overwhelming public sentiment against racism reflected in a myriad laws and regulations against it can ever eradicate such private emotions,” he continued. “Former NBA great Kareem Abdul-Jabbar said today that Sterling’s comments made him doubt what progress has been made on race in America. President Obama did not share that view saying yesterday the Sterling case is one of, quote, ‘the vestiges of discrimination,’ adding quote, ‘We’ve made enormous strides but you’re going to see this percolate up ever-so often.’ Mr. Obama said he hoped, quote, ‘Statements like this stand out so much is because there’s been a shift in how we view ourselves.’ Yes there has and good for him for saying so.”

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