Khalil Muhammed: Darren Wilson’s Testimony ‘Evoking’ Racial Stereotypes

Khalil Muhammed: Darren Wilson’s Testimony ‘Evoking’ Racial Stereotypes
Khalil Muhammed, the Director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture argued that Officer Darren Wilson’s description of Mike Brown was “evoking” racial stereotypes on Saturday’s “Melissa Harris-Perry” on MSNBC.

Muhammed said, in reaction to parts of Wilson’s testimony where he claimed Brown’s facial expression looked like a “demon” and looked like he was prepping to run through gunshots, “what he’s evoking here goes back to the days of the negro cocaine fiend, who is a super predator who cannot be put down, or the Mexican immigrant who’s high on marijuana and is as strong as a horse. These metaphors of these people are so violent that we have to resort to extreme means, even killing a 12-year-old [Tamir Rice, not Michael Brown] who potentially can’t be put down by a set of simple instructions.”

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