Trump on Refugees: ‘I’d Love To Help But We Have Our Own Problems’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated of the refugees from the Middle East and Africa going through Europe “I’d love to help. But we have our own problems” on Wednesday’s broadcast of “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Trump was asked, “We now know that our State Department, and our president is thinking of bringing in refugees from Syria and Iraq, that have been displaced, that are going through Europe. Now, do we know, many of them are Muslims coming from Muslim countries. I’m sure many of them are very good people. But do you think some radicals might be mixed in with them, is that a fear we should take seriously?” He answered, “It could very well be. And, frankly, you have ISIS. And if you look at a lot of the people that I’ve been watching on television, it’s men. There aren’t that many women, relatively speaking. It’s a horrible thing in terms of humanity and everything. But you know, we’re — we’ve got a lot of problems in our country. Sean, we have a lot of problems in our country. We have to straighten out our own problems.”

After host Sean Hannity followed up, “Are you saying absolutely, people from Syria, the Middle East, 400,000 men, those are men that we don’t know what their backgrounds are, where their hearts are, should we allow any of them into this country, or any aid we offer should be financial only?” Trump said, “Look, from a humanitarian standpoint, I’d love to help. But we have our own problems. We have so many problems that we have to solve. You have over there the Gulf states, tremendously wealthy. You have five groups of people, six groups, they’re not taking anybody. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, these are tremendously wealthy and powerful from the standpoint of money. They — they’re not taking anybody. Russia’s not taking. Nobody’s taking. We’re supposed to take — we have to straighten out our own problems. You have millions of people potentially, and if Obama would have gone across the line that he drew, the artificial line in the sand that he drew, you wouldn’t have this problem in the first place.”

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