Krauthammer: Young Man Starting Fire at Anti-Trump Protest Has ‘A Whiff of ISIS To It’

On Thursday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on the Fox News Channel, columnist Charles Krauthammer stated that a young man who set a fire at an anti-Trump protest in DC had “a whiff of ISIS to it.”

Krauthammer said, [relevant remarks begin around 1:15] “[I]t tells you how completely weird the parents and the other people out there are. These are the same people who show up at the IMF meetings, and world bank, the Occupy Wall Street. You ask them, ‘Why are you out there?’ They’re completely incoherent. … I mean, these people ought to be medicated.”

He added that the young man setting fires had “a whiff of ISIS to it.”

Krauthammer further stated the protests, “really have no agenda. … I think the real culprits here are the people who ought to be the adults. The one’s who ought to set an example, and that’s the one-third of Democrats in Congress, who will refuse to attend, and actively boycott the inauguration. I think that is scandalous. An inauguration is not the celebration of party victory. It’s a kind of civic sacrament for something that it is exceedingly rare in the world, which is the transfer of power, uninterrupted now for 240 years, the longest anywhere on earth. That’s something that you celebrate.”

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