Krauthammer on Wiretap and Trump-Russia Stories: We’re Going to Look Back and Think ‘What the Hell Were We Doing?’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer characterized the investigations into the Trump campaign’s ties to the Russians and Trump’s allegations that he was wiretapped by President Obama as “a double investigation with no evidence” that “we’re going to look back on a year from now and think, what the hell were we doing?”

Krauthammer said [relevant remarks begin around 7:15] that he thinks the wiretap story “goes nowhere. I think this is chasing our tails. This is going down a rabbit hole. … I think he thinks that it probably is true. This is going to end up as part of the Russian investigation. there is no evidence that any of this happened, the wiretap. On the other hand, there’s no evidence yet that there was any attempt or collusion of the Trump campaign with the Russians. So, we have a double investigation with no evidence. This, I think we’re going to look back on a year from now and think, what the hell were we doing?”

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