Andrea Mitchell: Men Are ‘Arguably’ Not Able to Assess Facts On Issues Such As Women’s Health ‘As Well As Women’


On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” host Andrea Mitchell argued that on women’s health, “men would not be able to assess as well as women, arguably, the facts, the importance of some of these health issues.”

Mitchell said the picture of the celebration of the AHCA’s passage at the White House “highlighted the lack of diversity among House members who helped pass the healthcare bill. This on top of the fact that [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has now appointed 13 men, male senators, as a task force to rewrite the bill, including none of the Republican women senators.”

She added, “Diversity, on issues such as women’s health, is important, because men would not be able to assess as well as women, arguably, the facts, the importance of some of these health issues.”

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