Coulter Calls on Trump to Impose Temporary Ban on All Immigration

Monday on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.,” conservative commentator Ann Coulter, author of “In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!” suggested rather than impose a ban on people from certain countries, President Donald Trump should enact a temporary ban on all immigration to the United States.

Coulter said if everyone were banned, that would eliminate the religious aspects that are preventing Trump from enacting his policy on immigration.

“I mean, what Trump, for example, suggested in his immigration policy paper, the greatest document since the Magna Carta, was a temporary ban on all immigration,” Coulter said. “You have no religious problem then. Why doesn’t he go back to that? It’s both more aggressive – be very careful. Let in a few a year. We’re letting in 2 million people a year – illegal, legal, guest workers. Probably more than 2 million. And The New York Times writes, ‘Well, it’s just impossible to vet that many people coming in.’ Well, don’t let in that many people then. It’s not that hard.”

“And as for the detention, I would say yes, there are ways to be aggressive,” she continued. “I’d think in some ways I’d be more aggressive. But I don’t think it would raise as many hackles because it looks nothing like an internment. I mean, Europe as an easier time than we do. They don’t have a First Amendment. In Germany, it’s a crime to support the Nazi Party. Are you worried about the Nazis today? No, but we are worried about ISIS. We are worried about Islamic terrorism. It ought to be a crime not merely to communicate, but to advocate that ideology and they ought to be thrown out of the country.”

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