Montana Republican Party Exploring Retribution Against Montana Democrat Disinformation, ‘Corruption, and Collusion’ in First District Race

Democratic candidate Monica Tranel campaigns for the newly created Montanas western distri
William Campbell/Getty Images

The Montana Republican Party told Breitbart News that the party is exploring different avenues to hold Montana Democrats accountable for their “corruption and collusion” in the effort to “steal GOP voters.”

Montanans Against Corruption PAC, a Democrat super PAC that supports Democrat Monica Tranel in the state’s first district race, put out a flyer with a Montana Republican Party logo that makes it appear that the state GOP supports an “outright ban on elective abortion with exceptions.”

The flyer also appeared to boost Libertarian congressional candidate John Lamb.

The flyer continues:

BUT RINO Ryan Zinke…

Had a 65 percent pro-abortion rating as a Montana Senator.

We can’t trust him on life.

Zinke’s only a part-time with a multi-million dollar California mansion.

Libertarian John Lamb:

“I believe that all abortions are immoral. Abortion is something that I’ve been totally against my whole life.” 100% pro life rating.

Paid for by Montanans Against Corrution PAC. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

The Montanans Against Corruption PAC’s usage of the Montana Republican Party logo has led to the Montana GOP to explore their options to stop Democrats from stealing GOP votes. A Montana GOP spokesperson referred to this flyer as “borderline criminal.”

“The corruption and collusion behind the effort to steal GOP votes is borderline criminal — and it has Monica Tranel’s fingerprints all over it,” the Montana spokesperson said in a statement to Breitbart News. She knows Jon Tester was only elected because of similar shady tactics in previous elections so now she and her husband are desperate to repeat it. The Montana Republican Party is aggressively exploring different avenues to hold all those involved accountable.”

The connection between the Montanans Against Corruption PAC and Tranel’s campaign appear to be linked by her husband, Greg Lind.

The Montanans Against Corruption PAC website takes one to the website referring to the group’s name, Montanans for a Better Congress.

The Helena Independent Record reported in June that there were “shady” financial activities ahead of the state’s primaries.

During the Democrat primary for Montana’s first congressional district, Democrat Cora Neumann attacked Tranel as being too closely tied to the Montanans for a Better Congress.

Tranel’s husband, Gregor Lind, a physician, contributed $5,000 to Montanans for a Better Congress. The group spent $109,000 in May attacking Neumann and supporting Tranel, as well as attacking Montana Republican candidate Ryan Zinke.

Neumann even referred to the super PAC as “Monica Tranel’s super PAC.”

This latest revelation about the Montanans Against Corruption PAC follows as Breitbart News reported that Lamb and Tranel have coordinated their efforts to spoil Zinke’s comeback campaign in the first district.

In an interview with Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle, Zinke said that Tranel and Lamb are having a “lovefest” over their shared leftist values:

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


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