
Woke Gaming ‘Consultants’ Epicly Fail at Censoring Gamers, Face Massive Online Backlash

An employee of the woke video game narrative consultant firm Sweet Baby Inc. recently attempted to silence a critic on the Steam gaming platform for the crime of listing the games that Sweet Baby Inc. consulted on. The resulting backlash has included a viral spread of anti-woke messaging and Sweet Baby employees and their leftist journalist friends privating their X/Twitter accounts.

Gamer celebrates a W

OpenAI, Google, Microsoft Join Biden Administration ‘AI Safety’ Consortium

The Biden administration has launched a consortium of over 200 major tech companies, academic institutions, and research groups to collaborate on developing ethical guidelines and safety standards for AI technology. Biden’s “AI Safety Institute Consortium” claims it has the goal of developing ways to “mitigate AI risks and harness its potential.”


Report: Microsoft’s AI Chatbot ‘Hallucinates’ Election Misinformation

A recent investigation has revealed troubling issues with Microsoft’s AI chatbot, Copilot, disseminating misinformation and conspiracy theories related to elections. In one case, researchers asked the AI chatbot about corruption allegations against a Swiss lawmaker which the platform immediately responded with details and sources on, but there was just one problem — the AI had “hallucinated” the charges and supporting information. In other words, it made the charges up.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shows his fist ( Stephen Brashear /Getty)