Latest Episode - House Republicans Just Don't Get it!

Did the House Republicans just not get the memo? Just in case you've pulled a Rip Van Winkle and have been asleep the past 20 years, Donald Trump completed the greatest comeback in American politics by winning a clear mandate for his MAGA agenda. Polls show the majority of Americans are four-square behind him to root out waste, fraud, and abuse from the federal government. Republicans won both Houses of Congress, so now it's time to pass the MAGA agenda, right? And what do House Republicans do? They pass a budget and reconciliation bill that...cuts taxes. Well and good, but what about cutting spending? We want to go even deeper in debt? Will Republicans ever get the memo? Republican Congressman Riley Moore of West Virginia joins Mike to talk reconciliation and his bill to prevent financial institutions from tracking gun and ammo sales. You be the judge of whether he and his fellow Republicans get it!


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