In a surreal mix of messages, self-described sexual predator Lena Dunham was invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention on the topic of women’s rights, despite her earlier admissions of repeated sexual advances toward her younger sister Grace beginning when she was a baby.

In her nonfiction 2014 book, Not That Kind of Girl, Dunham said she began fondling her little sister Grace when she was a one-year-old, a practice that continued over the years. She compared her behavior to that of a “sexual predator.”

“Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn’t resist,” Dunham wrote about one early episode. “This was within the spectrum of things I did,” she added.

As Grace grew, Dunham wrote, “I took to bribing her for her time and affection: one dollar in quarters if I could do her makeup like a ‘motorcycle chick.’ Three pieces of candy if I could kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Whatever she wanted to watch on TV if she would just ‘relax on me.’”

“Basically, anything a sexual predator might do to woo a small suburban girl I was trying,” Dunham acknowledged.

Dunham also admitted to sharing the same bed with Grace until she was seventeen, and that sometimes she “slipped my hand into my underwear to figure some stuff out” while sleeping next to her.

At the DNC, Dunham introduced herself by saying: “I am a pro-choice, feminist, sexual assault survivor with a chronic reproductive illness.” An exhaustive investigation conducted by Breitbart News showed that Dunham’s self-portrayal as a rape victim was utterly fictitious.

In her address, Dunham said that Hillary “made it possible for my fellow sexual assault survivors in my home state of New York to have access to safe, immediate care in any emergency room.”

Dunham has defended fondling her sister by insisting that “as a queer person,” normal rules of sexual propriety do not apply to her.

She said that she is committed to people narrating their own experiences and “determining for themselves what has and has not been harmful.” This rule apparently also applies to experiences inflicted on other people.

As often happens in the minds of pro-abortion advocates, a putative “right to do what I want with my body” easily carries over into a right to do what one wants with others’ bodies.

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