2020 Democrat White House candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) claimed during Tuesday evening’s presidential primary debate in Westerville, Ohio, that President Donald Trump’s policies “make Russia great again.”

A partial transcript is as follows: 

ANDERSON COOPER: Senator Klobuchar, what do you say to those who fear that impeachment is a distraction from issues that impact people’s day to day lives like health care and the economy. Can it backfire on Democrats?

SEN. AMY KLOBUCHAR:  We can do two things at once. That’s our job. We have a constitutional duty to do this impeachment, but we also can stand up for America because this president has not been putting America in front of his own personal interests. He has not been standing up for the workers in Ohio, he’s not been standing up for the farmers in Iowa. And I take this even a step further. When he made that call to the head of Ukraine, he’s digging up dirt on an opponent. That’s illegal conduct. That’s what he was doing.

He didn’t talk to him about the Russian invasion, he talked to him about that. So I’m still waiting to find out from him how making that call to the head of Ukraine and trying to get him involved in interfering in our election makes America great again. I’d like to hear from him how leaving the Kurds for slaughter, our allies for slaughter, where Russia then steps in to protect them, how that makes America great again. And I would like to hear from him about how coddling up to Vladimir Putin makes America great again. It doesn’t make America great again. It makes Russia great again.