Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said on Tuesday at the Democrat debate in Ohio that the House of Representatives has no choice but to impeach President Donald Trump.

“Do Democrats have any choice but to impeach President Trump?” Anderson Cooper asked Bernie Sanders.

“No we don’t,” Sanders said. “In my judgment, Trump is the most corrupt president in the history of this country.”

“It’s not that he just obstructed justice with the Mueller report,” Sanders said. “I think that the House will find him worthy of impeachment because of the Emolument Clause.”

“This is a president who is enriching himself while using the oval office to do that. And that is outrageous,” Sanders said. “And I think in terms of the recent Ukrainian incident.”

“The idea that we have a President of the United States is prepared to hold back national security money from one of our allies in order to get dirt on a presidential candidate is beyond comprehension,” Sanders said. “So I look forward, by the way, not only to a speedy and expeditious impeachment process but Mitch McConnell has got to do the right thing and allow a free and fair trial in the Senate.”

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