New Age guru and Democrat presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson said at a press conference on Thursday at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, that the same effort it took to defeat Hitler in World War II is needed to combat climate change.


Williamson, who failed to qualify for the last Democrat debate and has yet to qualify for the November debate, was asked by a reporter what her first priority would be as president to fight so-called manmade climate change.

“The first thing I would do is make sure that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is headed by world-class environmental scientists or Jay Inslee, whichever is available,” Williamson said, referring to the governor of Washington state who joined and then dropped out of the race for the Democrat 2020 nomination. Inslee made climate change the top priority of his short-lived campaign.

“We need the ex-chemical company executives to be gone,” Williamson said, referring to the left’s opposition to President Donald Trump’s effort to reverse unnecessary regulations on U.S. businesses put in place during the Obama administration.

“We need the ex-lobbyists for the oil companies to be gone and the EPA to be a magnet for world-class environmental science,” Williamson said.

“We have a situation where if we do not act, and quite radically I must say, within the next 12 years we could have within the next 15 or 20 years a level of social collapse unseen in the modern era,” Williamson said.

“We could be on the way to a situation in which whole swaths of countries, possibly even whole swaths of continents are uninhabitable because of the heat,” Williamson said.

“Then that means, of course, that food cannot be grown there,” Williamson said. “It means economic collapse.” 

“It means massive food shortages,” Williamson said. “And means levels that could possibly be up to hundreds of millions of environmental refugees,” Williamson said. “Right now we already have a terrible environmental crisis — over 63 million people that have been displaced.”

“You think there’s a refugee crisis now, just wait to see what would happen then,” Williamson said.

“We need nothing short of a World War II level mass mobilization to reverse climate change,” Williamson said.

Williamson is a best-selling author who gained fame for her self-help, motivational speaking and as a spiritual adviser to celebrities, including Oprah Winfrey.

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