Former Vice President Joe Biden stuttered while answering the first question posed by moderators at the Democrat debate in Atlanta, Georgia, on Wednesday.

Joe Biden, along with the other candidates on the stage, was asked about the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump that has been unfolding over the past week on Capitol Hill. Unlike the other Democrats, Biden’s response was disjointed and punctuated by a stutter at certain points. The stutter, which Biden has previously discussed overcoming as a child, caught the notice of many on social media.

Since jumping into the presidential race, the 77-year-old former vice president has been known to stammer and slur his words on the campaign trail. Most notably, Biden slurred through his first speech as a candidate in April, often confounding his audience by using words like “baldanny,” among others.

“I want to thank Rich Fritzgerald, the county executive for — the baladanny — the Allegheny County executive for being here,” the former vice president said at the time, before proceeding to stumble over the words dignity, success, and hospitals.