President Donald Trump has more support than all top-tier 2020 Democrat candidates except for former Vice President Joe Biden in the state of Virginia, according to a poll released Tuesday.

The Mason-Dixon survey shows President Trump tops Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) 51 percent to 45 percent, a lead of six percent, with four percent undecided. The poll also shows the president is beating Sen. Elizabeth Warren 48 percent to 44 percent with 8 percent undecided, while the Republican incumbent stands at 47 percent to South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s 45 percent, with 8 percent undecided. However, when it comes to Biden, the 2020 Democrat frontrunner tops President Trump 49 percent to 45 percent, with 6 percent undecided.

The poll, conducted by telephone between December 12-16, had 625 respondents. 42 percent of participants labeled themselves Democrats, while 30 percent said they were Republicans. 28 percent stated they were independent voters. The poll possessed a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

While Democrats have won the last three presidential cycles in Virginia, these figures reveal President Trump has put the reliably blue state in play in 2020.

“Over the last 30 years, Virginia has evolved from a state that leaned Republican in presidential elections… into a true swing state, but now has become one that clearly leans Democratic,” Mason-Dixon CEO Brad Coker said of the poll’s findings. “Still, Democrats cannot completely take Virginia for granted as former Vice President Joe Biden is their only current candidate who is beating President Donald Trump.”

The Old Dominion’s primary is slated for March 3 — known as Super Tuesday — along with Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Democrats Abroad, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Vermont.